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  • Sospita Safety Management

What's in a name?

Updated: May 7

When it comes to naming a company, especially a small business, picking the right name can be a challenge. You want to have something simple enough for potential customers to remember, while also setting you apart from other companies in the same industry. Some owners pick names based on their personal name, the geographic area they serve, or the specific service they offer. But when we were picking a name, we wanted to pick something that spoke to our mission and values.

The word Sospita comes from Latin and means "one who saves." This speaks to the mission of Sospita Safety Management - to save lives by preparing people to act when an emergency occurs. Whether the person in need is a friend, family member, colleague, or a random person on the side of a road, we want people in our classes to not just know what to do, but be confident enough to actually use their skills to save a life.

Our primary service is first aid training, and we also offer first aid kits and kit inspections, but you'll notice that our name doesn't include the words "first aid" at all. Instead, we call ourselves a "safety management" company. While responding to an emergency is important, the best way to save a life is to prevent the emergency in the first place. This is where we want to take the company in the future - providing other training courses that set people up to prevent an emergency in the first place. Keep checking back to see what other services we have added and if you need a particular service, let us know so we can look at adding it!

So what's in our name? Our mission to save lives.

Sospita Safety Management

Equipping Confidence, Ensuring Safety

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